Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'm becoming green

I am much more "green" aware that I use to be. And it has nothing to do with "global warming", because quiet frankly I don't believe in all of that. I guess for me it's more about being aware of the earth that God gave to us. I'm also completely aware that I am some what hypocritical in my "greeness" (is that a Because I am green where it is convenient for me. I am sure there are a lot more things that I could be doing but I don't want to give up my comforts. But I am trying to buy or make "natural" cleaning products. They work well, smell good, and are healthier for my kids. I have reusable shopping bags that I use when I remember, which I'm not very good about. I try and recycle. My newest venture is gdiapers. They are cloth like diapers with a flushable biodegradable inserts. You can also use cloth inserts with them. I just ordered them so I'll let you know how that goes. I really just want to do my part to keep my kids healthy and be more aware of the earth around me.

I've always been interested in Indians and the "prairie days". And although I am thankful that I don't live during those eras. I do kind of respect the people that did. They didn't have conveniences that we do today. They used what they had around them to live their daily lives. I just think that God gave us this earth and in some ways we aren't treating it very well, and there are simple solutions to that. Just my ramblings for

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