Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Happy "Good Friday" to everyone. Today at lunch I took the opportunity to talk to the girls about what good Friday was. They know the story of Jesus crucifiction, and Resurrection but I think it really sunk in when I told Avery that this was the day many many years ago that Jesus died. It scary and exciting at the same time when I think about the "job" I have of helping my girls find their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They know that Jesus is God's son, and if asked they want to spend eternity in heaven, but I am not sure they truly understand yet. What an amazing blessing I (we) have to teach them what that truly means. So on this Good Friday I am lifting all my friends of small kids, or any children who haven't made the choice, up in prayer as we teach our children about God's gift to us.

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